I have Irish qualifications

If you have completed a prescribed qualification in architecture from an Irish university and have passed the Irish Professional Practice Exam you are eligible for registration through Route A1.

If you have completed a prescribed qualification in architecture from an Irish university and have  obtained the relevant post graduate professional licensing examination for admission to the profession in a non-EU Member State you may consider Route B. 

Route B requires an applicant to have obtained practical experience in Ireland and to demonstrate that they are familiar with Irish building legislation, standards, statutory obligations and contract administration.

Applicants who do not meet the above requirement must complete an RIAI accredited and specified professional practice examination to be eligible for registration in Ireland.

If you have completed a prescribed qualification in architecture from an Irish university and have acquired seven or more years’ post-graduate practical experience you may apply for an exemption from the Professional Practice Exam through Route C. The process allows applicants to demonstrate that they are familiar with Irish building legislation, standards, statutory obligations and contract administration. 

The Route B/C application process runs on the following biannual cycle:

Stage Spring Cycle 2024 Autumn Cycle 2024 Spring Cycle 2025 Autumn Cycle 2025 Spring Cycle 2026 Autumn Cycle 2026
Stage 1 submission deadline 25 March 2024 7 October 2024 24 March 2025 6 October 2025 23 March 2026 5 October 2026
Determination of eligibility for Stage 2 21 April 2024 28 October 2024 21 April 2025 27 October 2025 20 April 2026 26 October 2026
Stage 2 submission deadline 7 October 2024 21 April 2025 6 October 2025 20 April 2026 5 October 2026 19 April 2027
Submission processing October May October May October May
Assessment November June November June November June
Interview December/January July December/January July December/January July
Assessor Opinion Review January/February September January/February September January/February September

All dates are indicative and may be subject to change.

Please click here to view a list of resources, which may be of assistance in preparing for Assessment.