• 23 Jul 2024

Supporting the Circular Economy Transition in the Irish Construction Sector Report

The RIAI nominated David Browne FRIAI to the Construction Sector Group, where he has been leading on the sustainability agenda within the CSG. The Innovation and Digital Adoption for Construction Sector Group (CSG), which David Browne has chaired, has now published an important report, ‘Supporting the Circular Economy Transition in the Irish Construction Sector’.

The Construction & Demolition (C&D) sector is the largest single source of waste in the Irish economy and the construction industry faces urgent pressure to transition from the prevailing model to a circular economy approach through reuse, repair, recycling, remanufacture, maintenance and refurbishment. The construction industry now needs to work together to reduce the footprint of our construction waste to meet our carbon emissions targets and to achieve Net Zero by 2050. The CSG Report, launched on 8 July 2024, needs wide industry readership and serious attention to meet our statutory obligations under the 2024 Climate Action Plan.