Accredited Higher Diploma in Residential Energy Retrofit Management and 3 embedded Certificates

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Predominantly online with workshops and site visits around Ireland
30 for each module

Event Information

TUS are delivering the Level 8 Higher Diploma in Residential Energy Retrofit Management over 3 semesters (36 weeks). Starting week of 18 September 2023.

There are 3 embedded certificates and you have the option to complete 1 or all 3 of these in your own time. If you complete all 3 certificates you can then gain a Higher Diploma award.

  1. Certificate in Residential Energy Retrofit Fabric – Starts Sept 2023
  2. Certificate in Residential Energy Retrofit Systems – Starts January 2024
  3. Certificate in Residential Energy Retrofit Management – Starts September 2023 or September 2024

Course Aim

These are a part-time accredited course for building professionals to develop knowledge and skills that allow them to design and deliver high quality, energy efficient renovations to existing buildings. This will also place them in a position to contribute to meeting Irelands energy and carbon targets become leading advisors on green retrofitting of buildings.

Learning outcomes

See module descriptor below.


A range of expert speakers from academia and industry.

Delivery Mode

Blended delivery - Online evening lectures (varies depending on Certificate) supported with in person practical workshops and site visits (TBC). 

Registration Link

To find out more and register, click here.

Note the maximum capacity for this module is 24.