RIAI Board of Directors
What is the RIAI Board and how is it made up?
The RIAI Board has responsibility for overseeing the management of the RIAI and its business. Board members are the Directors of the RIAI.
The Board has a number of specific roles:
- It ensures that the Institute is compliant with the Companies Acts and the RIAI Constitution.
- By way of the executive (the staff), it directs the delivery of the Council's vision, strategy and high-level policy for the RIAI
- It oversees the executive's day-to-day administration of the RIAI.
- It has oversight of the RIAI Committees
The composition of the RIAI Board is set out in the Constitution and comprises:
- The President
- The First Vice-President
- The Second Vice-President
- The Honorary Secretary
- The Honorary Treasurer
- Three Registered Members elected by Council
- One person who is not a member of the Institute and is not eligible to seek membership of the Institute in any class, elected by Council, which person shall have expertise as Council considers necessary to assist the Board in its role.